The Contextual Journal - Seedtag Blog

Exploring the New Era of Contextual TV

Written by Mike Villalobos | May 31, 2024 8:39:49 AM

Connected TV, or CTV, no longer requires an introduction. The digital era has enabled hyper-connectivity and access to the internet which made information readily accessible anytime, anywhere. With CTV, the Internet was brought to the world of television, and any television set that can connect to the Internet can now stream video content. CTV has become increasingly popular as it offers a wider range of content than traditional television, and viewers can watch content of their choice, whenever they want. 

On-demand viewing, flexibility, and access to a vast library of content make CTV the favored choice among viewers. These numbers will only continue to grow as more people switch to streaming services and internet-connected devices. The seismic shift in audience base has revolutionized advertising by paving the way for hyper-targeted CTV advertising.

What is Connected TV advertising? 

CTV advertising has overcome the limitations of traditional TV advertising where all ads are broadcast to a general audience. CTV advertising focuses on personalized and relevant targeting based on audience interests and viewing habits. This interest-based targeting approach increases engagement and potentially boosts conversion rates for advertisers.

CTV advertising allows viewers to see ads that are relevant to them and helps measure campaign effectiveness, beating the limited tracking capabilities of traditional TV advertising. Access to key metrics like impressions, completion rates, and attribution of ad exposure to website visits or in-store purchases enables better measurement, campaign optimization, and ROI on advertising spend. 

Navigating CTV advertising

A new channel that advertisers are actively tapping into, CTV advertising presents a massive opportunity for advertisers to effectively capture and engage with their target audience. However, similar to other channels of advertising, CTV advertising also has its limitations. Advertisers need to be mindful of poor inventory, quality concerns, ad fraud, and limited campaign measurement. 

Contextual advertising has been garnering a lot of traction ever since the cookie phase-out announcement. Contextual targeting practices are emerging as a preferred solution among advertisers because of its hyper hyper-personalization capabilities and the potential to measure campaign effectiveness through relevant and accurate metrics. 

Contextual-connected TV advertising is bringing the magic of contextual targeting to CTV, allowing advertisers to target viewers based on the content they are currently watching. Contextual CTV targeting goes beyond generic demographics or browsing history and dives into the details of a viewer’s current channel, show, or genre. To determine what genres and programs work best for them, advertisers leverage information like descriptions, keywords, and genre classifications. 

Post analysis, the ads are aligned with the content being watched, thus improving the chances of ads appealing to the audience as they find them relevant and engaging. By analyzing the specifics, Contextual CTV goes beyond broad genre targeting and focuses on analyzing specific themes, topics, and emotions of programs to ensure a good fit for the ad.

Seedtag Contextual TV

We’ve been closely observing market trends and decided to bring our Open Web expertise to the CTV landscape. For 10+ years, we have been partnering with businesses and helping them connect with their audiences using technology we developed in-house for user understanding and targeting. 

At Seedtag, we analyzed the CTV advertising space and uncovered the limitations around targeting precision. We aimed to empower advertisers to overcome the most traditional challenges: 

  • Targeting: Going beyond generic categories and genres 
  • Reporting - Accessing valuable attention metrics and gauging the effectiveness of campaigns
  • Ad creatives - Creating ads that capture attention through an objective-led creative strategy 

Our objective was to explore how we could transfer all the possibilities and learnings from the open web campaigns to CTV and we mapped topics between the two ecosystems. With Contextual TV, we are identifying audiences in the open web and bringing the benefits and granularity that we offer to CTV advertising:

  • Comprehensive reporting to truly measure success 
  • Engaging creatives that get attention 
  • Targeting beyond genres 
  • Maximize viewer attention 

With Contextual TV by Seedtag, we are taking the learnings from our open web analysis and transferring that knowledge to find users in the CTV space. This allows more precision as we go beyond the genres and limitations of traditional CTV targeting methods. 

Leverage our unmatched targeting capabilities, powered by the data extracted from the open web, to discover untapped opportunities and engage with the right audience, at the right time, with the right message. These campaigns can reach a more targeted audience base and improve overall engagement.

Want to learn more about CTV and our exclusive contextual approach to CTV? Register to Seedtag Academy and become an expert on all things CTV!