Feb'22·Jordi Capdevila·3 MIN

Unique use case of AI in Digital Marketing

Home Unique use case of AI in Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing has come a long way with AI. From what started as its ability to automate and speed up different processes in marketing has leapfrogged on to a new level with its potential to predict and forecast behaviour.

As per a recent Mckinsey survey, AI has been increasingly contributing to organizational revenues and end value created for audiences at large. 

  • Digital marketing has come a long way from bombarding consumers with spam emails to creating personalized and targeted marketing campaigns and messaging for its audience and AI has a significant role to play in this leap. AI’s ability to make smarter analysis of large amount of data, helps in identifying the most relevant audience for its campaigns. This results in improved targeting, higher impressions and more impactful engagement with the audience. All of this ultimately has a positive effect on the bottom line in the form of reduced wastage of ad viewability and better ROI on investments.
  • AI has also been instrumental in creating effective recommendations which often matches user’s tastes and increases engagement and time spent on the platform. Many times, users follow these recommendations and rely on them to guide their activity on the platform. Often referred to as the word-of-machine effect, a recent HRB article supports this claim by stating that people often follow AI recommendations when it comes to products that provide functional & utilitarian qualities.
  • With AI’s sharp ability to analyze and predict consumer preferences based on their past browsing history and data, it helps to create personalized marketing messages which appeal to consumers a lot more than the generic ones which are either ignored or blocked. Such campaigns perform better since they talk directly to the consumer in a tone and manner familiar to them.
  • AI has also been effective in revolutionizing customer service in the form of improved chatbot interaction – a move that helps organizations to be more available, provide better pre & post sales experience to its customers and also reduces their cost.
  • One of the other key contributions of AI has been in speeding up scheduling and automation tasks involving marketing campaigns. This ensures that campaigns go live on time and with minimum glitches.

AI and Contextual Advertising

However, one of the most interesting use cases of AI is its role in creating a non-intrusive yet relatable brand experience for consumers through contextual targeting. Contextual advertising utilizes the content and context of a page to determine the ads that would sync with it. Such ads tend to do better with the audience (in terms of engagement and brand recall) who are browsing the page for relevant information since they are presented with ads in the process of discovering related content. Such brand awareness is non-intrusive and generally commands higher views. 

With consumers opting for privacy first solutions, brands and advertisers have been struggling for ways to create superior user experiences online in a bid to stay relevant to changing consumer preferences and advertise. Contextual advertising comes as the perfect solution to this conundrum.

Seedtag has been able to leverage its AI technology to get an in-depth understanding of consumer interests and create a user experience that is closely related to their preferences.  Seedtag’s contextual AI technology applies the power of machine learning to develop a human-like understanding of content and deliver ads that are aligned with it. Such in-content ads result in faster attention capture and longer retention by users. All of this without the use of cookies or user browser history. Furthermore, with brand safety increasingly becoming one of the top marketing concerns in the digital era, our contextual AI ensures that ads are placed on pages and sites that positively co-relate with the brand values and image – Brand safety before anything else.

2022 is the year when publishers need to be more aware of maintaining relevance among their audience through content that matches the evolving preferences of their user base and ads that engage users further and not turn them away. Brands are becoming increasingly more focused on enhancing the user experience by bringing in emotive responses as part of their ad campaigns – something that helps them connect with their audience better and buy in a piece of their mind share for a longer time. All of this in an attempt to practice and support brand suitability – to be visible with content and context that brings in positive emotions about the brand and displays what the brand stands for.

This is also the year when advertisers need to carve their way to newer and more innovative ways to reach out to their target audience and create experiences that users find hard to ignore. The constantly decreasing consumer attention calls for more user specific targeting with context and relevance useful for the audience. With Seedtag’s contextual AI, marketers can do exactly this level of targeting and remain ahead of the competitive curve.

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