Sep'23·Andrés Auchterlonie·2 MIN

Delivering measurable performance results with contextual advertising

Home Delivering measurable performance results with contextual advertising

Piquing the interest of a prospect, getting them to click on an ad, and finally winning them over by turning them into a customer. The buyer journey is not an easy one, especially in today's advertising world where millions are fighting for the attention of consumers. Contextual advertising gives advertisers a considerably nuanced understanding of the meaning and function of web content, allowing them to more effectively target viewers with relevant adverts.

Netizens have access to endless content and are bombarded with millions of ads as they surf through. Attention has become a scarce commodity in the busy internet universe. As a marketer, how can you gauge whether a user is interested in your product or service?

Traditionally, marketers have been displaying ads without knowing which part of the buying process their prospects are on. The lack of understanding is coupled with a strategy that relies on behavioral targeting, which derives a user's interest based on their search history. Behavioral targeting is not just ineffective but invades user privacy too. 

Advertising sans any context results in irrelevant ads being displayed to random users. It is obvious that such ads will not create any impact and only waste ad budgets, reducing the ROI on marketing spends. 

The next of advertising, powered by the latest in the contextual world 

Behavioral targeting is a thing of the past. Going far beyond invasive advertising practices that intrude on user privacy, contextual advertising is a breath of fresh air that lives in the present. What is a user looking for right now, and what are their current areas of interest, without leveraging any third-party cookies.?

Contextual advertising gives marketers access to valuable data that helps them build more relevant personas and make educated, data-backed decisions on each prospect's buyer journey. 

Brands need better returns on advertising budgets and must accelerate their efforts toward adopting a privacy-first strategy. Knowing a user's current areas of interest and having access to data that helps predict each user's next possible move, contextual targeting empowers marketers and promises a whole new level of digital advertising capabilities that have proven to be more effective than past strategies. 

Contextual targeting goes beyond keywords and analyzes factors like context, language, structure, and sentiment to enable marketers to create a more focused and personalized user experience. By understanding the meaning and intent of the content on a page, contextual advertising renders ads to the most relevant user base. These ads are tailored to the user's areas of interest, resulting in higher engagement and conversion rates. 

Instead of showing ads based on previous searches like flight tickets or room reservations that may have already been completed, contextual AI has the ability to not just understand what a user is currently looking for, but can analyze which stage of the buyer journey they are in and display the most relevant ads. With the most recent advancements in contextual advertising, brands can deliver results at all stages of the funnel, ensuring increased brand awareness and driving meaningful action that nudges consumers towards making a purchase. 

Contextual targeting is empowering marketers with more targeting precision to create a comprehensive advertising strategy sans cookies. It is backed by contextual intelligence’s heightened understanding of the content consumed by users and their intent. The latest contextual AI is empowering marketers to confidently predict a persona’s next action by making an educated guess based on the context of a consumer’s interaction with the content they consume. With content, context, and insights like location, time of day, scroll speed, and time spent, contextual AI has the power to enhance an ad strategy without accessing any personal information of users. It can optimize both the content and ad placement, maximizing resonance and serving ads that are more likely to pique user interest without disrupting their browsing experience.

High performing, compliant with all data privacy regulations, higher ad relevance, and proven record of being more effective; contextual targeting is delivering measurable performance results for leading global brands.

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