Sep'22·Jordi Capdevila·2 MIN

Elevate the impact of your advertising with AI/ML

Home Elevate the impact of your advertising with AI/ML

As digitalization continues to take the world by storm and disrupts industries globally, the advertising space is fast adapting to keep up with the latest tech trends. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) aren’t new to dictionaries anymore. From manufacturing to healthcare, AI and ML are paving the way for a new era, and the advertising industry is no exception. 


Recent studies revealed that 70% of high-performance marketing teams claim they have a fully defined AI strategy and are averaging 7 different uses of AI and machine learning today. According to the 2021 State of Marketing AI Report, 41% of marketers say that AI and machine learning make their greatest contributions to accelerating revenue growth and improving performance.


There’s one common factor that is increasingly governing business operations and decision making today - data. What AI enables is analyzing massive volumes of this data and deriving actionable insights that hugely benefit businesses. The combination of AI and ML are reshaping the future of advertising by opening doors to newer possibilities. 


How is AI/ML revolutionizing advertising? 


AI and ML sift through an array of data to determine important ad campaign factors like the right target audience, segments, digital touchpoints, and budgets, helping brands make smarter decisions and derive higher ROI on campaigns.  


Artificial Intelligence powers machines to learn and comprehend information with human-like intelligence, enabling them to complete tasks that humans take up. Machines process historical data and information fed to them, which enables them to read, write, identify, and understand with human-like intelligence and accuracy. 


In advertising, AI/ML is analyzing data to help brands curate and display personalized ads to customers by going beyond just keywords. With AI, machines now understand the meaning of words, their contextual relevance, and usage, enhancing the overall targeting capabilities. This understanding also helps increase the range of words used as the keywords inputted are analyzed and relevant words are added to the target list, expanding the reach of the ad campaign. 


AI in digital marketing has changed the game overall through smarter analysis of data, effective recommendations, and better understanding of user preferences, equipping advertisers to create personalized messaging that resonates better with audiences. As AI capabilities continue to improve, it is steadily taking over the various aspects behind context mapping, freeing up human hours to focus on other integral aspects like creativity. 


Machine learning’s ability to process enormous volumes of data in a matter of minutes enables marketers to track and understand various ad performance metrics in real-time and make necessary changes on the go. The combination of historical data analysis of factors like reactions, browsing patterns, habits, and attributes of customers, along with real-time ad metrics tracking, ML ensures that the traffic brought in by ads are form the desired audience, delivering higher ROI. 


Intelligent and data-driven, by leveraging AI/Ml, brands are curating hyper-personalized, relevant campaigns, and rendering them exactly where their customers are looking. 


Ad campaigns for the privacy-first world 


With all eyes on data privacy and various regulatory compliances coming into play, creating an ad strategy that works might seem like a tough task. But brands that are leveraging AI/ML powered contextual advertising are already ahead of the game. 


Personalized, non-intrusive ads rendered at the right place, at the right time, and to the right audience, without leveraging any personally identifiable information or cookies - the future of advertising is here. Today, the focus goes beyond just attractive ad campaigns. It’s about creative brand experiences that are consistent and reflect the brand’s voice and values in messaging and imagery. This is where contextual ads deliver.


AI/Ml powered contextual advertising provides in-depth understanding into users’ areas of interest and preferences, empowering brands to go beyond just successful campaigns and build unparalleled user experiences. Contextual AI leverages the power of machine learning to analyze the content and context of web pages, delivering ads that align with the brand’s objectives while being cognizant of brand safety and suitability. 

Get in touch with us or explore our customer stories to know more about how our AI technology is fueling new-age, contextual ad campaigns for leading global brands.

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