Nov'22·Jordi Capdevila·3 MIN

Data driven creative strategies to follow in a cookieless future

Home Data driven creative strategies to follow in a cookieless future

According to the Global Consumer State of Mind Report 2021, 60% of users say they would spend more money with a brand they trust to handle their personal data responsibly.

As we gear up for a cookieless world that puts data privacy first, how do marketers switch to data-backed creative strategies and win customer trust? The end of third-party cookies merely marks the beginning of a new advertising era where brands focus on evolving their strategies to comply with data privacy regulations and appeal to customers within their realm of interests. 

Google's announcement about the phase-out of third-party cookies has created a stir in the marketing world, as marketers have relied heavily on third-party data to back their advertising strategies. Marketers must shift away from consumer behavior-driven targeting and explore new methods in line with privacy regulations. What does the cookieless future hold? 

Move over third-party cookies - It's all about first-party data 

While third-party cookies will soon be history, first-party data will garner more importance as a great alternative. First-party data is the information users provide when they browse your website or app. This helps gauge user interests, likes, dislikes, and more - data that can fuel effective advertising strategies. 

User behavior and journey on the website, coupled with sales intel, can help brands get creative and launch successful, data-driven campaign strategies. Relying on first-party data to deliver campaigns is an effective way to understand user behavior and interests whilst respecting their privacy. 

Create a compelling omnichannel story 

The shift from third-party cookies also means a significant change in messaging, keeping customers at the center. What sets brands apart is the focus on telling stories customers want to hear rather than positioning the brand, products, or services offered. When brands tell a compelling story that users connect with, they will automatically become advocates because they begin to resonate with the brand. 

The idea is to create a unified experience across all digital touchpoints with content that piques user interest and engages users in every interaction. This increases brand recall, and the cohesive story connects better with the masses, helping brands build a loyal customer base. 

Create compelling content strategies that connect with consumers 

You begin to capture attention when users can identify and associate with your messaging. Continuously creating relatable content focused on users and value addition is the transformation in strategy that will power campaigns in the cookieless future. 

Using aggregated analytics from customer journeys instead of third-party data will enable marketers to build audience-focused creative strategies. Creating data-led content with user intent as a cornerstone will help deliver innovative approaches compliant with data privacy regulations. 

Elevate ad strategies with new-age predictive technologies

Digital transformation and the adoption of next-gen predictive tech like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Natural Language Processing (NLP) are changing the way global brands advertise.

According to research, AI-driven personalization strategies deliver results beyond marketing. They have an enterprise-wide impact, boosting sales revenue, Net Promoter Scores, and customer retention rates.

With the help of AI and ML, businesses can analyze enormous volumes of data and collate important factors like personas, buyer patterns, and target audiences that can drive ad strategies. AI-powered ML can analyze content with human-like intelligence and process data to identify, understand, read, write, comprehend nuances, and interpret natural language understanding. 

Adopting new-age tech is changing the advertising landscape, which is integral in enabling data-driven marketing strategies for the cookieless world. Strategies backed by AI and ML ensure enhanced targeting and deliver more personalized messages that resonate with the audience. 

Personalized messaging and staying contextually relevant 

Netizens today demand personalized, non-intrusive browsing experiences. Ad strategies must be creative and relevant while the ads blend with the environment. The imminent phase-out of third-party cookies, coupled with the ever-changing needs of the advertising landscape, has made way for the comeback of contextual advertising.

Contextual advertising leverages the power of AI and ML to analyze the content and context of web pages and then renders ads that align with the messaging. Contextual ads do not rely on third-party cookies and display ads on relevant websites that target relevant audiences. By analyzing a page's written and visual content, contextual AI offers brands an environment whose values and ideas fit seamlessly with their own, thus ensuring the highest levels of brand safety and suitability. 

Contextual AI can also deliver creatives that appeal to and resonate with the target audience, making it an all-encompassing data-driven creative strategy. Listen in to know more about how brands are preparing for a cookieless future. 

At Seedtag, we are helping brands understand customer interests and deliver an entirely contextual approach to advertising with our AI technology, LIZ©. To know more about what we do, click here.

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